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- MandelMountains V1.1 by Mathias Ortmann
- Discover the Mandelbrot Set From a Completely New Point of View!
- MandelMountains gives you the ability to render wonderful three-dimensional
- images of blow-ups of the Mandelbrot Set. The well-known color strips of
- the usual Mandelbrot images become at once mountainsides that smoothly
- climb to high plateaus, leaving deep valleys between them.
- You may have already seen images of this type (e.g. on the covers of the
- books "The Beauty of Fractals - Images of Complex Dynamical Systems" by
- H.-O. Peitgen and P.H. Richter or "The Science of Fractal Images", edited
- by H.-O. Peitgen and D. Saupe) - here and now you have the tool to create
- them on your own! MandelMountains allows you to produce high-quality
- non-interlaced or interlaced (and even overscan) images of arbitrary areas
- of the Mandelbrot Set. You can easily define magnification windows to zoom
- deeper and deeper into this fascinating world.
- Since the development of this program took a lot of time and work, I
- release it as shareware. This means if you like and use this program, you
- should send me a little donation of about $10. This will make it possible
- to develop subsequent versions of MandelMountains. Suggestions, comments
- and bug reports are welcome, too.
- This is my address:
- Mathias Ortmann c/o Panes
- Strindbergstr. 5
- D-8000 Munich 60
- IMPORTANT! MandelMountains requires the following libraries to be in your
- libs:-Directory:
- - mathtrans.library
- - mathieeedoubbas.library
- 1. The Rendering Method
- The image is rendered from front to back. A virtual horizon line prevents
- hidden areas from being displayed. The brightness of the surface is de-
- termined by the angle the light falls on it. If the number of iterations
- exceeds a certain (user-defineable) value, the pixel is set in color
- instead of gray, thus remains of the usual color strips are visible on the
- high plateaus, a fact which greatly increases the plasticity of the image.
- The iterations are effected in pure, speed-optimized assembler code, using
- the Motorola Fast Floating Point format (FFP), while all other calculations
- occur in double-precision IEEE standard format. This yields acceptable
- calculation times (around 20 minutes to 4 hours) without precision
- problems, even at magnification factors of more than 10000.
- In one of the next versions of MandelMountains I will implement the option
- to use double-precision IEEE format also in the main iteration loop, which
- will allow magnification factors of several millions, but also dramatically
- increase computation times. However, if you own an 68881 or 68882 number
- cruncher, this will perfectly suit your needs.
- 2. The Display Format
- You can choose between three image sizes: Small for quick test
- calculations, Normal for the usual screen size (320x200/320x256) and Full
- for overscan format (352x240/352x282), which I recommend as ideal size.
- MandelMountains supports NTSC and PAL Amigas and recognizes by itself on
- which type of machine it is running. All images are generated in 32 color
- mode: 16 colors for the gray tones and 16 colors for the surface colors.
- Optionally you can enable the interlace mode, which will double the number
- of available colors: You now have 32 gray and 32 color tones, which will
- result in much smoother color ranges. Computation time is not affected by
- using interlace or non-interlace mode.
- 3. The File Format
- MandelMountains writes standard IFF files with an additional "MMD1" chunk
- which stores all parameters of the image, so you can load previously
- generated images and make further magnifications. You can load
- MandelMountains files with all available graphics software, but note that
- if the image is saved again, the MMD1 chunk will be destroyed, and you
- cannot load it with MandelMountains any more.
- 4. The Parameters
- An image is defined by several parameters. You can see and modify all of
- them in the window MandelMountains opens on the Workbench screen.
- First, there are the xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax values. They determine the
- rectangular part of the Mandelbrot set that is to be shown in the image
- (xmin/xmax represent the range of the real part, ymin/ymax of the imaginary
- part of c in the term z = z^2+c).
- The Depth value limits the number of iterations. If then the value of z
- has not exceeded a certain maximum, the point will be drawn in black.
- Increasing this value will result in a more detailed rendering of the
- border between color and black, but it will also increase computation time
- if there are larger areas of black. Normally, a Depth of 400 to 1000 is
- sufficient.
- Linear/Nonlinear Transformation: If your mountainsides look extremely
- steep, you should switch to Nonlinear Transformation (especially useful for
- magnifications of the Seahorse Valley!).
- ColorMin: If you wish to have the surface of your plateaus colored (and
- you surely will!), you set ColorMin to the number of iterations from which
- on a pixel is to be drawn in color. Increasing this value will make the
- colored areas smaller. The range of ColorMin is normally from 20 to 300
- (set it to 0 if you wish no coloring).
- ColorDiv: This value determines the "step rate" for the surface colors.
- For example: You have a ColorMin of 100 and a ColorDiv of 50. The number
- of iterations for a point is 300. The color of the point is now
- (300-100)/50, i.e. 4. Usually ColorDiv is around 50 to 150. If you
- choose it too low, the colored areas on your surface will look rather
- fragmented. If you choose it too high, they will all have more or less the
- same color.
- HZoom: This very important value is the decimal logarithm of the factor
- all heights are multiplied with. If you choose this value too low, the
- whole surface will be flat like a sheet of paper, if you choose it too
- high, you will not see more than some vertical walls. This value is
- probably the most critical and must be chosen carefully. It depends very
- much on the magnification factor (increase it after each magnification) and
- can range from 2 (initial picture) to 25 (blow-ups of details in the
- Seahorse Valley for example).
- HSmooth: Sometimes it may occur that the border of a plateau looks rather
- fragmented. In this case, simply increase the HSmooth value. It can range
- from 0 up more than 200, depending on the HZoom value you are using.
- It must be said that you will have to experiment a little to get perfect
- results, but soon you'll get a feeling for these things (look at the sample
- pictures and their parameters).
- 5. The Menus
- Project Menu:
- Choosing the Load Image or Save Image option will bring up a file requester
- that allows you to choose a file name fore the image to load/save. Images
- are compressed before saving.
- Start Rendering: This option clears the current screen, brings it to front
- and starts the computation.
- Bounds Menu:
- Zoom In brings the current screen to front and creates a mouse-directable
- magnification window. Pressing the left mouse button while moving the
- mouse to the right/left changes the size of the window. The right mouse
- button confirms the magnification.
- Restore Aspect is useful when you have entered xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax values
- by hand. By restoring the aspect of width and height you ensure that the
- image does not look squeezed.
- Screen allows you to choose one of the three standard screen sizes and to
- toggle interlace on/off.
- Color Range Menu:
- This menu allows you to change the range of surface colors. Different
- color ranges may greatly change the impression of an image, so experiment a
- little. Available as from/to colors are: Black, Blue, Red, Magenta,
- Green, Cyan, Yellow and White.
- 6. When is a Picture Finished?
- Normally, you will wait until the screen is filled completely (up to the
- upper edge). In this case, the program stops the computation by itself.
- Sometimes, it may be necessary for aesthetical reasons to interrupt the
- rendering earlier (look at MM.03.pic to see what I mean). Then you have to
- click on the STOP Gadget at the right moment.
- Important:
- Clicking on the gadget near the depth gadget will make the current screen
- appear (with correct centering if it's an overscan screen), clicking on the
- screen and then pressing the right mouse button will make the screen
- disappear again.
- If you haven't got a true Fast-RAM machine, I recommend to click the screen
- to back during computation. This will save memory cycles for the CPU and
- greatly reduce computation time.
- Certainly, images will look better if rendered with the higher resolution
- of PAL Amigas, thus I recommend to recompute all submitted examples if you
- own a PAL machine.
- Special thanks go to Heinz-Otto Peitgen for publishing the formula that
- smoothes the surface of the Mandelbrot set in such a perfect way! It is
- called Continuous Potential Method for Mandelbrot Set (CPM/M) and can be
- found in chapter 4.2.4 of the book
- Heinz-Otto Peitgen/Dietmar Saupe (editors): The Science of Fractal Images
- Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg 1988 ISBN 0-387-96608-0